
This guide is a supplemental resource to the information provided by the REC Foundation and VEX regarding the Engineering Notebook which can be found via the following links.

https://notebooking.vex.com VIQRC Notebook Design Process V5RC Notebook Design Process

While the above information provides useful details around the overall Engineering Notebook practice, the information contained within this site is provided to give additional details that have been gleaned after competing for 7 years and winning Design at Worlds twice in 4 years.

The intent of this site is not to duplicate the information provided above, but to give insight from one team/orgs viewpoint as to how to go about creating a useful notebook based on the Engineering Notebook Rubric Requirements. This is not an end all be all guide as we know each team has their unique approach to how they document their engineering design process and competition season journey.

As we know that judges are not at liberty to provide notebook feedback, we wanted to try to give our best insight as to what might give a team an advantage in creating a notebook that covers as many rubric areas as possible.

While the information contained within this site covers a number of areas, we realize that there are some items one may feel are missing or overlooked. While the information comes from winning design and excellence at a number of local, regional, signature, and world events we don’t claim this to be the best and know there are a number of great notebooks out there and some with better examples than ones being provided.

If there are any team’s out there that would be open to sharing their process, notebooks, or ideas for inclusion in this site, we welcome the opportunity to include your work.

Last updated