Notebook Format
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This area is fairly self explanatory. Teams can either get a 5 or a 0(zero) for providing evidence that documentation was done in parallel with their design process.
What this means is that the team has documented their notebook journey from beginning to end in chronological order.
Things to consider in this area.
Are pages numbered properly?
Are individual entries documented with a date along with an author's, and witness, signature?
Does a Table of Contents (TOC) exist?
Do the page number correlate to the appropriate entries?
Are dates used for corresponding entries?
If a team is using volume notebooks, maybe one for build, one for programming, and one for team meetings, do they reference each other in a chronological manner?
Volumes may be confusing to someone that is not familiar with your workflow and referencing pages in other volume can be helpful for navigating your journey
It is a good idea to ensure that each entry is signed and dated along with double checking the TOC reflects the proper page reference and date if possible.